Environmental Policy

Commitment to sustainable practices and minimizing environmental impact during relocations

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Environmental Policy

SwiftRelo recognises the importance of environmental protection and is committed to carrying out all measures reasonably practical with a goal to minimising the impact of its activities on the environment.


We are committed to working with our stakeholders to achieve the following objectives:

  • Meet and where possible exceed all environmental legislation and regulations relevant to our organisation and its activities.
  • Increase cost-effectiveness by reducing our consumption of energy and raw materials, with particular regard to the long-term sustainability of consumable items.
  • Reduce our carbon footprint.
  • Reduce waste and pollution both locally and in the wider environment.
  • Set targets for measurable annual improvements.

Management Activities

To achieve these objectives, we have set in place the following specific strategies and processes.


We minimise the energy impact of our travel and transportation: –

  • We encourage our workforce to travel to work by public transport and where possible, by walking.
  • We encourage the use of video conferencing and audio call technology to reduce travel for business meetings.
  • We mimimize toxic emissions and maximize fuel efficiency through proper maintenance of our vehicles and no idling of engines.
  • We plan routes and vehicle loads to maximse efficiency.
  • Set targets for measurable annual improvements.


We conserve energy and operate appropriate office maintenance wherever possible: –

  • Auto-screen save on monitors after five minutes.
  • All non-critical equipment is switched off when not needed.
  • We have replaced all incandescent bulbs and compact fluorescent lights with LED lighting.

Our commitment to energy conservation has expanded. We are involved in reforestation projects to offset some of the carbon accumulated in our business activities. Please review Our Environmental Approach for more details.

Waste minimisation, toxicity reduction and recycling

We reduce, re-use and recycle waste: –

  • We promote recycling or re-use of packing materials.
  • Once unpacked, we collect the boxes from our clients to be used again, or recycled free of charge if possible to do so.
  • All of the cardboard we use is biodegradable; all off of the polystyrene packaging we use is also biodegradable.
  • We operate a near paperless office, with cloud-based software replacing the need for printing.
  • When printing is required, automatic double side printing to all network printers.
  • We recycle paper wherever possible.
  • We return toner cartridges to suppliers for re-use or recycling.
  • We recycle our old computers where possible.
  • We use eco-friendly cleaning agents for our office maintenance.
  • We have eliminated paper and plastic cups in the office.


We will:-

  • Ensure our employees know and understand this policy.
  • Assess and regularly re-assess the environmental effects of the organisation as an integral part of the organisation’s strategy.
  • Conduct management reviews of the content and implementation of this policy with the objective of achieving best practice at all times.